Free Name Analysis as per Numerology
One of the Most Important aspects of a Name Correction is the Analysis.
What is your name doing for you?
Is it causing havoc? Is it Neutral or Is it already Lucky?
A lot of times people have a Lucky Date of Birth but a very Unlucky name. So their name is really the culprit causing all the turbulence.
Sometimes a person has an Unlucky date of Birth and also an Unlucky name. We then correct the name to make it Lucky and work for them.
There are Two Kinds of Name Corrections we offer
Regular Lucky name Correction and
Victory Name Correction
Sheelaa also does Business name corrections, baby name corrections, and brand name corrections or Victory brand names.
Leave your name in the comments and Sheelaa Bajaj will analyze your name.
If you want to analyze your name personally with a consultation session where we offer insightful suggestions, you can take advantage of our online payment link (given below) and schedule your appointment quickly.
Please analyse the name Divyana Lakshmi , March 5 2016
Pls analyse my name Priyanka Singh n date of birth : 07/09/1986… looking forward to hear from you.
Thank you!!
Please analyse name Deepthi Devadiga, 18th May 1980
Please do name analysis Ravi Kiran Srivatsav 8 December 1977
Please do my name correction Tanushree Roy
DOB 13.12.72
Please do my numerology. My date of birth is 21 jan 1986.
Please do my numerology. My date of birth is 21 jan 1986. My name is Vartika GOEL. I have lot of health issues since birth.
Hi sheelaa. Kindly analyse my name and do necessary corrections . Satish R Bhaktha . DOB 22/07/1979
Hi Sheelaa
I would like to do see if I need a name correction.
Hi Sheelaa
I would like to do see if I need a name correction my dob is 20/08/1976
Navin Waghmare
Kindly analyse my name
Date of birth 29011983
Hi sheelaa. Kindly analyse my name Vishal Dob 29.01.1983
Hello Ma’am , my name is Ashish Juneja, DOB – 3rd June 1986, plz suggest name correction if required
Dob 17/08/1990 no 8 acc to numerology
DOB 4th Oct 1983
Hi Sheelaa,
Request you to analyse my name i.e. Manish Lilaramani & dob is 03/04/1990.
Thanks alot
Ma’am tried connecting you lot many times but hard luck..Please advise if any name correction required
Kindly analyse my name Sapna Arundathi, DOB 21.04.1982 4.20am
My name is Anushree
I was born in Delhi on 12 /11/1993 at 13 .25 hrs
I want to know is my name correct should I change
What new names I can have.
Can you please analyse my name? Hema Malini. Dob 8/8/1972
Request name analysis of my new name. I feel it’s pulling me down.
My name is Manjushri born 16jan 1984 Pune 10:40pm. Need your kind advise
My name is Manjushri and I am born on 16th January 1984 Pune Maharashtra 10 :40pm. Please let me know if name correction is needed. Thank you
Pls do my name analysis
Please do my name analysis
Please help me with a name analysis.
DOB: 23/11/1992
My daughters name is safiya kulsum her date of birth is 22/06/2002 please do her name analysis.
Name analysis for Pankaj Harish Parpia, date of birth : 9th March 1974
Kindly chk if my name needs correction dob 20/09/1978
Hi Sheelaa please do my name analysis Shalini Tripathi dob 29 /03/1987
Thank you
Hi sheelaa ji. I name is adeesh ( 26-02-1985)
3:05pm. Plzz tell abt my name its correct according my date of birth. And my career life plzz mam .I am facing lots of problems in my life plzzzz I need a correction in my name .
Hema Kishnani
Pls analyse DOB 19/4/71
Kindly let me know if i need correction in my name or not.?
D.O.B – 5 Oct 1987
Kindly let me know if i need correction in my name or not.?
D.O.B – 5 Oct 1988
My name is Naveen Kumar. DOB – 9th Dec 1983. can you please let me know if name correction is required.
Hello Ma’am, please analyse my name and help me. Any correction required. Job less, facing so many problems. please please please help me. Career.
Aswini Kumar Sahu, DOB – 03/10/1981.
Can you plz Analyze my name
Sangeeta Menghani
DOB 14.05.1986
My DOB – 13-8-1988
I have changed my name from Prakash Kumar to Prakash Narayan
Can you please analyse my name
Rupal Ralph
Dob:11th may 1979
Hi.. Pls analyze my name.
Hi my name is Harneet Sawhney. Request you to kindly advise about whether my name is working for me or not.dob 23-05-1985
Name correction
Shruthi K Raj
I end up in financial crisis every 3/4 months ….recently 19041955
Please analyse the name Ruchika dangayach
Thank you
Please analyse my name
mY dob IS 06/02/1961 and my name is Ramprasad Murthy. I wish that you read the compatibility and suggest change in name for prosperity.
Kindly give Ur advice
Please analyse my name. My don: 22nd September 1078. Birth time : night 8:5 pm. Name : Swapnali