Aura Photography & Scanning

What's Aura photography
The name aura photography and Kirlian photography are used alternately. Aura photography was discovered by the Russian scientist Semyon Kirlian in 1939.
Since then, numerous developments have taken place in terms of technological advancements of aura photography cameras and more sophisticated results are seen these days. There are many aura photography apps prevailing as well to experience the magic of aura photography on your smartphone.
Auras can be seen by people who are Clairvoyant or with the help of some state of the art photography called Auric Photography. For the human eye, Aura appears as a pattern of colors surrounding a person or object. Every Aura has a color pattern made of seven VIBGYOR colors. Each color of the aura has a precise meaning, indicating a precise emotional state.
What is an aura?
The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body (Human Energy Field-HEF) and every organism and object in the Universe.
The Human Energy Field as a collection of electromagnetic energies of varying densities that permeate through and emit or exit from the physical body of a living person. These particles of energy are suspended around the healthy human body in an oval-shaped field. This “auric egg” emits out from the body approximately 2-3 feet (1 meter on average) on all sides. It extends above the head and below the feet into the ground.

Aura Photography
The congestions in the Aura also give an understanding of the diseases. Aura photography is also used to find the energy levels in each area of your life. If the aura shows black or dark colors the energy can be enhanced by giving healing with higher techniques by healers specially trained.
When a problem is found in the chakras or aura, specific remedies can be suggested to seal the aura and enhance the specific chakra or area affected. Validation is shown as one can see how the specific remedy is working on changing or fixing their chakra.
With the state of the art aura photography from the US for the first time in India. Seeing is now believing and we now don’t need blind faith to gauge what healers and crystals are doing for us.
We conduct Aura Photography and interpretation in Koramangala at Sheelaa Bajaj’s office, Bangalore.
This Aura photography shows you the colors around your Aura and gives you an understanding of your thinking patterns and negativities. Once the session is done the practitioner will suggest a way forward to rectify glitches in your aura if any.
ho can come to an aura photography session
- Children unable to focus
- People who are battling depression
- Suspicious of a psychic attack
- Feeling sluggish lazy or inactive
- Career stuck and stagnant
- Relationship or marital problems
- Health problems which are unexplained
- Problems with anger, depression, fear, phobias.
- To know what kind of person one is.
- To check compatibility in a relationship or marriage. – both people’s auras need to be checked
What do We offer?
At the Sheelaa School of Wisdom, we have state of the art technology from the US to photography & scan the Aura & Chakras. You get your aura photography scanning to get done right here in Bangalore, India.
During the Process of Scanning
One can get the color of their Aura photography & see the condition of their chakras. You might want to know that there are 7 chakras and each chakra has its own color.
We can see imbalances, holes & crash, deflection, and contamination in the Aura photography & Chakra.
Aura scanning is a new powerful tool to study the personality, ability & inner nature of an individual.
We can tell if a person is sensitive, aggressively creative, logical, spiritual, loving, communicative a hard worker or thinker.
Aura Scanning can be used to evaluate the strength activities while hiring staff to know if they can fulfill their duties and do justices to the profile.
It can also help us understand people use work with our children.
It helps parents & teachers understand a child, his activities, personality and his weak areas.
After the Process
Once the weak areas are identified. Your aura scanning expert will recommend appropriate cure or treatment to strengthen the weak areas.
For eg. If the throat chakra is weak, a child may be non-communicative. It will affect the child emotionally and ultimately lead to psychological issues. When this weak area or chakra is identified, our Aura photography & scanning expert will recommend a few things to correct it and strengthen it.
After which an Aura Scan can be repeated to validate the efficacy of the treatment applied.
Aura scanning can also indicate weak areas of a person’s body & health & predict health issues that might exist or crop up in the future.
Aura Scabs can also show the presence of every subtle energy around a person
For eg. Golden energy or the presence of an angel.