Lucky Name Numerology
A person’s name is more than just a term of recognition. Names have potential and power that can transform lives and destinies. Your name can be a gateway to positive energies and opportunities if it is in harmony with the vibrations in your name.
On the other hand, when a person is born under the influence of a negative number they go through struggle and strife in their life. They work very hard with no success or recognition. Their relationships suffer and others take credit for their work. Sometimes all the hard work gets drained and completion is almost impossible.
A corrected name as per numerology can correct the defect of the date of birth and turn things around for the individual or the business. There are different numerology systems such as Chaldean and Pythagorean numerology for instance.
For eg: A number 4 represents Rahu, a number 8 Shani and a 7 is Ketu, people having birth numbers or life numbers like this need correction in their name.
People with the troublesome date of births or life path numbers need a name correction. Their name may be their only saving grace.
Before we even talk about name correction, what you need to understand is that a person’s name can make a lot of difference to the progress and outcomes of his endeavours. Sometimes the date of birth may be clean and a name may be malefic. In order to rule out a troublesome name, the name must be analysed.
The Importance of a Name Change Numerology
Each alphabet and sound corresponds to a numerical value.
The number corresponds to planetary energy.
When the number in the date of birth is weak, it has to be strengthened by an alteration of the name.
Using numerology, you can discover your strengths and weaknesses, inner needs, emotional reactions, and ways of dealing with others, as well as your talents. You can help yourself by becoming aware of your own character and learning to understand and deal with others — for example, family, friends, lovers, employers, and employees. You can even find out what kind of potential energy and what types of stress currently exist in your life, and in the lives of those around you.
If you are an employer, numerology is a great way to see if someone has the innate abilities to fulfil your job requirements. In fact, numerology can help you to better understand anyone you work with, and with this new understanding, it becomes possible to improve difficult work relationships. Numerology can also be used to determine the best times to marry, change jobs, move, speculate and take a trip.
Whether you use numerology to examine your life, take advantage of unexplored opportunities, confirm talents that in your heart you know are there, or simply figure out where to go next, numerology can be a penetrating tool to help you better understand yourself and the ones you love most. Numerology gives you the whole picture, allowing you to see all the diverse parts of your personality and how they uniquely come together to make the person you are. Through this complete view, you are able to make the most of your strengths in a way that wasn’t possible before.
Our Approach to Lucky Name Numerology
Name correction as per Chaldean numerology or Pythagorean numerology is commonly practised by us where we offer accurate name correction, personalised consultations, and the power to transform your personal life and your business through the balance and harmony created with a name change. Our decades of experience has helped countless individuals and renowned businessmen to unlock their true potential. Dr. Sheelaa M Bajaj skilfully analyses your name to offer precise guidance for a profound change. With a name change consultation by Dr. Sheelaa M Bajaj, you can see notable improvements in your life, career, finances, and other relationships.
FAQs about Lucky Name Numerology & Corrections
Why is name change numerology important?
Sometimes a date of birth may be clean and a name may be malefic. In order to rule out a troublesome name, the name must be analysed.
Some names like Rahul, Meera etc have negative numbers and hence need correction.
How does a name correction help?
A name correction on the basis of numerology principles can bring in significant positivity and success. The vibration of the name is changed to a favourable number- energy and hence starts attracting favourable situations in a person’s life, whether it is their career, their relationship, health, finances, or life’s purpose.
What are the signs indicating that I need a name correction?
If you are facing repeated obstacles in your personal or professional life, feel stuck in a situation, have constant financial troubles, or feel unfilled in every aspect of your life, it could be the lack of harmony in your name numerology and its energies or vibrations.
How soon will the name change as per lucky name numerology work?
It takes about a month to activate a new name. This time duration may vary from person to person where some see notable changes immediately while for some the effects take a while to manifest. Being patient and consistent in your belief will bring a positive influence.
Will name change numerology work for my business?
Yes, The logic holds good for personal names as well as business names or brand names. By making sure that the name aligns with the energies of your name or your business or brand name, you can attract positive vibration, open doors to new opportunities, and create a favourable environment for yourself or your business.
The future of a business can be altered or changed if a positive vibration is given to it.
*For Business Growth one can ask for Feng Shui Signature products or opt for a lucky business name numerology consultation.
If you feel you need a name correction or a consultation with a trusted numerologist to bring out your true potential, you can get in touch with us to share your concerns or to book an appointment with Dr. Sheelaa M Bajaj. We are here to provide personalised consultations that help you align your name and numerology with the destiny that the universe has in store for you.