Chaldean Numerology
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Chaldean Numerology
The human being is a curious creation of god. An individual of any age is curious to know about the future & what destiny holds for them. Numerology, since ages, has helped people with their queries and curiosity to know the future. It is a mystical science of exploring hidden powers of numbers and their influence on human beings.
Chaldean Numerology is one of the two most popular numerology systems in the world. It is accurate but at the same time, it is less popular. This can be because it is difficult than other numerology systems, it is more spiritually connected and is more metaphysical. It also indicates the hidden forces or invisible strings behind the number calculated for a person that reveals their true personality.
In the Chaldean Numerology system, 2 things are mainly required i.e. the name of that person and their birth-date. The name has to be the one by which people know you or the one by which you are called rather than the one which was given to you at the time of birth. For example – Jonathan is the name given to a native but he is mostly called as Jon so we will be using the name Jon for our predictions.
It is believed that the name by which people know u and call us is of great importance since its vibrations are connecting to us. Isn’t amazing that even if we have got a name people call us with a different name. That is all connected to our destiny and forces that drive our destiny.
In this system of Numerology, only the numbers 1 to 8 are used for calculations and giving predictions. The Chaldean people believed that 9 is a spiritual number, connects one to god since any number added to 9 reduces to its core number. It is also believed in this system that the single digits represent the outer nature of a person whereas the double digits describe inner qualities.
There are majorly 3 types of numbers that are calculated in Chaldean Numerology for giving predictions. They are the Psychic number(Birth number/Moolank), Name number & Destiny Number. These numbers have relevance with the planets as well. The major difference between this numerology and others is that it also uses the compound number for predictions.
In Chaldean Numerology, there are some predefined characteristics for all the numbers and they are also linked to planets. It is believed that people who are under the influence of a particular number will possess characteristics related to that planet for a major part of his life. All the number calculated will play a joint role in defining the character of a person. Before finding out the important numbers for a person, let us first understand what every number means.
Number 1: Sun
People born on 1, 10, 19, 28 of any month will have the psychic number as 1. If their date of birth or name reduces to number 1 then also the person will possess qualities of number 1. It has been associated with the planet sun and these people are dominant, creative, will possess leadership qualities.
Number 2: Moon
People who are born on 2, 11, 20, 29 of any month will have their psychic number as 2. If their date of birth or name reduces to number 2 then also these qualities will be there in that person. This number has been associated with the planet Moon which is very sensitive and unstable. They are diplomatic, imaginative, romantic and very gentle in nature. They care for all and want to be loved by all.
Number 3: Jupiter
People who are born on 3, 12, 21 or 30 of any month will have their psychic number as 3. If their date of birth or name reduces to number 3 then also they will possess these qualities. This number vibrates to planet Jupiter, who is also the Counsellor/Advisor/Guru in the Celestial cabinet of planets and represents idealism, higher education, foreign travel & religion. They are smart people and are a natural counselor.
Number 4: Uranus / Rahu
People who are born on 4, 13, 22 or 31 of any month will have their psychic number as 4. If their date of birth or name reduces to number 4 then they will possess qualities of number 4 which is also related to planet Uranus or Rahu (North node of Moon). The general traits of these people are individualism, originality, and inventiveness. They can also be unconventional, eccentric and unexpected.
Number 5: Mercury
People who are born on 5, 14 or 23 of any month will have their psychic number as 5. If their date of birth or name reduces to number 5 then also they will be related to this number. This number vibrates to planet Mercury and represents communication, movement, and versatility. It is the number of both oral and written communication.
Number 6: Venus
People who are born on 6, 15 or 24 of any month will have their psychic number as 6. If their date of birth or name reduces to number 6 then also they will be related to this number which is also linked to planet Venus. The main qualities of this number are compassion, love, domestic responsibilities, and eagerness to attain luxuries.
Number 7: Neptune / Ketu
The number 7 symbolizes humanity’s deep inner need to find depth, meaning, and spiritual connection. When the creature needs food, self-expression, material and domestic achievements have been met, we turn to the deeper levels of life — to learn, to educate ourselves and to find purpose. The 7 is an investigator, an inventor, and must have solitude in which to find the inner voice. Sevens tend to be different, eccentric, or loners and are very discriminating in all areas.
Number 8: Saturn
People who are born on 8, 17 or 26 of any month will have their psychic number as 8. If their date of birth or name reduces to number 8 then also they can be related to this number. It represents wisdom, learning through experience and responsibility. It is also the number of caution, restriction, self-control as it possesses qualities of planet Saturn.
Number 9: Mars
People who are born on 9, 18 or 27 of any month will have their psychic number as 9. If their date of birth or name reduces to number 9 then also the qualities of this number will be there in that person. They will possess a rebellious attitude, will be impulsive, independent, hasty in temper and desire to be their own masters as a result of the influence of planet Mars.
Now since we know the basic traits of numbers, let us calculate the numbers for this native based on the Chaldean system:
Name of the native is John Smith & Date of Birth of this native is 15 July 1980:
Name Number
John Smith
1+7+5+5 + 3+5+1+4+5
= 18 + 18
= 36 (Jupiter & Venus)
= 9 (Mars)
Destiny Number
1+5+7+1+9+8+0 = 31 (Jupiter & Sun) equals to 4 (Uranus/Rahu).
So for the native John Smith, The psychic number or the Moolank will be 15 = 6 (Influence of Sun & Mercury making it Venus). The Destiny number will be 31 (Jupiter & Sun) equal to 4 (Uranus/Rahu). Name number will be 36 = 9 (Jupiter, Venus & Mars).