Dr. Sheelaa M Bajaj Celebrity Numerologist & Tarot Card Reader | Which Gemstones Can be Worn Together?

Which Gemstones Can be Worn Together?

Dr. Sheelaa M Bajaj Celebrity Numerologist & Tarot Card Reader | Which Gemstones Can be Worn Together?

Which Gemstones Can be Worn Together?

A gemstone is a name given to a piece of mineral or other rock or organic material that after it has been cut and polished has been made into a piece of jewelry or another accessory. We find them in 2 categories ie. precious and semi-precious gemstones. A suitable GemStone will not only have the power of fulfilling your Desires but it will also favor your luck. Here in this post, we will guide you about which gemstones can be worn together.

As per astrologers, the combination of gemstones to be worn will be totally based upon the friendly planets. People should wear two stones at one time if their representing planets share cordial relations. On the other hand, if stones represent conflicting planets, then they should not be worn at a time. Based upon the ancient Vedic texts certain gemstones are considered to bring good fortune to those born under different signs of the zodiac.

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Which Gemstones Can Be Worn Together?

Let us get into the details of which gemstones can be worn together in detail.



Wear a ruby and see your life moving in an upward swing. Ruby is believed to bring happiness in love and success with money. You are generally high-strung and quick to anger, ruby will make you feel more relaxed and guard you in stressful situations. This gem should be set in a ring of gold to be worn in the ring finger either on the left or on your right hand.



You can wear a blue sapphire set in gold and wear it in the middle finger on either hand. Wearing a blue sapphire will bring all-round prosperity but if within a month of wearing sapphire you are confronted with problems, then you should discontinue its use. In that case, you can wear a diamond that will bring good health and happiness. Blue sapphire should not be combined with ruby, pearl or red coral.



Diamond is your lucky gem. Wearing a single diamond set in a gold ring and worn in the little finger either on your left or right hand will certainly boost your career. You will find a positive response from both the sexes making you the center of attraction at most get-togethers. Diamond should not be worn with Ruby, Pearl, and Yellow Sapphire rather. It will give the malefic result to the wearer. You can also wear blue sapphire if its placement is good in your chart to increase good effects.



They should wear Pearl or coral set in a gold ring in the ring finger. This is reputed to bring happiness in love and financial gains to those born under the zodiac sign of Cancer. If one is wearing pearl stone, he should not wear Hessonite or Cat’s Eye. If you are wearing coral & pearl together then avoid Emerald, Diamond, Blue Sapphire also.

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Wear either yellow sapphire (index finger) or coral (ring finger) in gold for prosperity and well being to those born under Leo. Coral may bring financial success and happiness in love, but may not bring you into the limelight. Avoid wearing Yellow Sapphire with emerald, diamond and blue sapphire as their ruling planets are enemies of Sun who is the ruler of Leo.



Wear a single emerald set in a gold ring in the little finger on either hand. If this gemstone really begins to suit you, then there will be a sudden influx of money and an early romance or marriage. Avoid wearing emerald with pearl and red coral.



Wear a Blue Sapphire in a gold ring in the middle finger on either hand to fulfill all your dreams. However, in some cases when blue sapphire does not suite then they can also wear a coral set in the gold ring in the ring finger on either hand. Coral will bring luck in money and romance in personal life. Avoid blue sapphire with ruby, pearl or red coral.



You should wear Pearl in a gold ring in the little finger or the index finger on either hand. Women can also wear a single drop pearl in each ear. This will provide financial security, a stable and happy love life to Scorpions. You can also wear Ruby for professional growth but avoid diamonds or blue sapphire with these gems.



Wear a single ruby in the gold ring in the ring finger on either hand for luck and career opportunities, Love & relationship. If you suffer serious setbacks in a relationship then you must wear a coral, set in a gold ring in the ring finger on either hand. Avoid blue sapphire & diamond.



Wearing a diamond in a gold ring in the little finger on either hand will bring good results in your career and personal life. This gem improves the love life of introvert Capricorns, gives a boost to the career, keeps in good health and spirits. Gemstones to avoid are Ruby, Pearl, and Yellow Sapphire.



A single diamond set in a gold ring in the little finger on either hand will make you win a friend, have a great romance followed by a near-ideal marriage full of love and happiness, with lots of money to splurge. Diamond should not be worn with Ruby, Pearl and Yellow Sapphire rather it will give the malefic result to the wearer.



You should wear pearl in a gold ring in the index finger on either hand for all-round prosperity including good health, happiness in love & good career. Women can wear a single drop pearl in each ear and enhance their charm and good fortune. If one is wearing pearl stone, he should not wear Hessonite or Cat’s Eye.

When you are wearing any gemstone, some important things should be kept in mind that any stone should be worn under the instruction of an expert astrologer after a detailed analysis. You should always purchase lab tested and genuine stones for better results else they may also give you negative results. Check for the recommended gemstones before you purchase them.

Always check the compatibility of which gemstones can be worn together and then wear them. In case you wear more than 1 gemstone, this will help you. A general tip from my side that avoid wearing any gemstones for Rahu & Ketu. Instead, wear stones based on general analysis of birth chart to avoid any mishappenings.

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According to hindu astrology , I am pices , I wanted to wear pearl , diamond, coral and ruby , pls suggest which fingure ?

My name is Ali Raza kazimi. born on 14th November 1968 Dhaka Bangladesh. 0700hrs morning. which is my best gemstone

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